Modeler's Resource Page

On this page we will be sharing photos and measurements of items we have that could potentially help modelers of both physical and digital mediums out. We figure if we have them, might as well use them as a resource the fandom as a whole can gain from. Eventually, all wagons we own will be put up on this page, so keep checking back! Feel free to message us with requests. Thomas Faces Gordon Faces James faces Toby Faces Salty Faces Bulgy Faces Bertie Faces Truck Faces Narrow Gauge Faces Gauge 1 Figures Tenmille LNER Brakevan Tenmille LBSCR Van Tenmille open L&B wagon Season 1 7 Plank Open Wagon Season 2 Salt Van Season 4 Narrow Gauge Scale Red Van Season 5 scale Narrow Gauge Red Van Tenmille Tanker...